“Bogdan 2251” medical vehicle was improved taking into account all the demands by military and doctors, deputy defense minister Oleh Shevchuk told journalists of the “War machines” TV program.
“Ukrainian army is in need of a car combining reasonable price and maintainability. I guess, working upon latest modification the engineers improved everything they could”, – Shevchuk said.
Test drives and procurements of “Bogdan 2251” have begun yet in 2016. Over the past years the manufacturer was agreeing the necessary improvements with military doctors, drivers and representatives of the defense ministry.
They note in “Bogdan” corporation that any military vehicle will sooner or later require improvements. As an example they recalled the US HUMWV or “Humvee” military off-roader as well as Ukrainian armored vehicle “Varta” with 8 generations of its evolution.
The manufacturer has introduced more than 10 improvements to “Bogdan 2251”. The military reconsidered their demands as to the driver’s cab equipment and medical trailer. Its interior has been redesigned in order to improve the comfort for the military doctors while performing their duties.
Before “Bogdan 2251” Ukrainian military were using soviet-designed UAZ-452 as a basic medical vehicle. Drivers say that “Bogdan 2251” is considerably better than its unreliable soviet-produced predecessor. The old vehicle was an uncomfortable and often malfunctioning car, which also lacked space. That wasn’t a model to be employed in eastern Ukraine.
It should be reminded that “Bogdan 2251” vehicles are designed for military medical units, mobile evacuation units, and by military hospitals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Besides, the car could be used to transport or evacuate the wounded from the military medical units and field hospitals to other medical facilities. «BOGDAN 2251» can transport up to 8 wounded.